171 Bawtry Road, Brinsworth, Rotherham, S60 5ND
Telephone: 01709 828806
We're open
See our other Locations
Whiston Medical Centre, Hunger Hill Lane, Whiston, Rotherham, S60 4BD | Telephone: 01709 835837 | syicb-rotherham.brinsworthmedicalcentre@nhs.net
Appointments for consultations with doctors and nurses are now done through the website and the yellow box saying Patient Requests. Whenever possible you will be given an appointment to suit you with a doctor/nurse of your choice, but it must be emphasised that this may not always be possible.
There might be occasions when a medical student is present during your consultation. If you do not wish them to be present, please let the receptionist know.
The practice is trained in Care Navigation. This means if a patient requests an appointment with a doctor or another Clinician at the practice the reception staff have been trained to ask some questions in order to point the patient to the most appropriate care. This may be an appointment with a member of our clinical workforce or to another external service we can sign post patients to.
If you think your condition is urgent please give details of your condition so this can be dealt with without delay by our triage nurse or the doctor who is on call.
Sick children will be seen as quickly as possible in surgery. It does not harm a child to be brought to the surgery warmly wrapped up unless they are extremely ill. If in doubt, telephone the surgery for advice.
There are certain conditions that can be dealt with by local pharmacies; patients entitled to free prescriptions will be dealt with in the same way as they would be at their doctors.
If you are pregnant and experience bleeding, contact EPAU on 01709 304398 between 9.00am and 5.00pm for advice.
We have a service for routine pre-booked appointments for late evening and weekends available at one of the hubs across Rotherham.
It gives patients who may be unable to attend during the week access to a GP appointment.
Please call the surgery to find out more information and request one of these appointments.
If you require a doctor when the surgery is closed, you are to ring NHS 111. The number is a free call from both landlines and mobiles. They will discuss with you your condition and decide whether advice, a visit to the Primary Care Centre or a home visit is appropriate. The doctors out-of-hours service is in addition to their day time work, so please use this service with discretion. If you ring the surgery when we are closed a recorded message will ask you to end the call and redial 111.
NHS 111 is available to make it easier for you to access local NHS healthcare services in England. You can call 111 when you need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergency. NHS 111 is a fast and easy way to get the right help, whatever the time.
NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Calls are free from landlines and mobile phones.
Emergency Care Centre is based at Rotherham Hospital and is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Requests for emergency visits take priority at all times. For a home visit please telephone before 10.30am so that the doctors have enough time to arrange their visits in order of urgency and therefore avoid unnecessary delays.
Home visits are for people whose illness renders them truly housebound. The doctor can see four or five patients in surgery during the time it takes to do one home visit.
Typical examples of home visits are for people who are:
For most other conditions doctors expect patients to be seen in surgery and the doctors may need surgical equipment for examination, which would not be available at home. When requesting a home visit, it is necessary to leave a contact telephone number.
Please bear in mind that emergency appointments are offered each day.